Things Said At NYC Acting Auditions That Sound Like Bad Sex

- Did you start?
- I’m sorry, were you finished?
- Thanks for coming.
- Thanks, I’ll send a follow-up email.
- Do you need more time?
- I like what you did at the end there.
- Is that it?
- Can you come back in?
- Let’s try that entrance one more time.
- Please don’t put that there.
- I haven’t seen someone get that excited before.
- I’m not sure what to say.
- Wow, I totally forgot you were still here.
- Sorry, I’m in a hurry. Will you need a long time?
- Do you need help with that?
- That was interesting.
- Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention. Can you start over?
- Well, we’ll figure that part out later.
- Ok, great. Do you know your way out?
- Can you try using both hands?
- Is there anything else you’d like to add?
- I don’t think we can do that without injuring your partner.
- We’ll need to get that fitted first.
- Is that too tight?
- Is that too big?
- I don’t know if they make them that small.
- I’d like to help but I’ve been warned it can make things worse.
- Did you learn that in class?
- Can you try something else?
- Ok, that’s a choice.
- Can you hold it longer?
- I don’t know why you’d make that noise either.